In the fall of 2024, the XXXII International Architecture Festival Zodchestvo was held in Moscow from November 12 to 14 in the Gostiny Dvor exhibition complex. The theme of the festival was “Breakthrough”, reflecting the desire for new achievements in architecture and urban planning. In parallel with Zodchestvo, Gostiny Dvor hosted two other events: Best Interrior Awards and Build school.
INSIGHT ADB represented by Anna took part in the discussion “Non-standard architectural solutions for educational institutions: from renovation of the prom to wooden structures” on November 13, 2024.
INSIGHT ADB represented by Anna took part in the discussion “Non-standard architectural solutions for educational institutions: from renovation of the prom to wooden structures” on November 13, 2024.
The discussion was attended by Ruben Arakelyan @a.r.a.k.e.l.y.a.n_r , co-founder of WALL bureau @arch_wall ; Alexandra Egarmina, chief project architect of Meganom bureau ; Anna Azizova-Poluectova, architect of INSIGHT ADB @bureauinsight , PhD in architecture; Andrey Korablev, co-founder of TOBE architects. The moderator was Yulia Shishalova, editor-in-chief of Project Russia magazine. All the projects that the speakers talked about were quite different not only in terms of typology, but even in terms of the stage of realization: something was at the design stage, something was realized, and something never reached realization. Nevertheless, these projects had one thing in common: they were all private. What this says, well, probably only about the fact that only a private investor with a great desire is subject to all the elements and difficulties) Or maybe it was just a coincidence.

Anna told about our project of the school “Vector”, located in CHS “House of merchant N.F. Kharin”. You can read more about the project here.
“It is very interesting and useful to take part in such events as a speaker, I remembered many interesting moments that appeared in the process of the project, since the realization of which has already passed two years, but the interest in it has not disappeared. During this time, together with the customer and a bunch of other specialists, we have realized two new buildings, made in the style of the Cultural Heritage Site “House of merchant N.F. Kharin”. And we have big creative plans ahead of us!”
“It is very interesting and useful to take part in such events as a speaker, I remembered many interesting moments that appeared in the process of the project, since the realization of which has already passed two years, but the interest in it has not disappeared. During this time, together with the customer and a bunch of other specialists, we have realized two new buildings, made in the style of the Cultural Heritage Site “House of merchant N.F. Kharin”. And we have big creative plans ahead of us!”